How Do You Add Product to WooCommerce?

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By Tangeer

Learn how to showcase your products with compelling visuals in a gallery, and effortlessly publish them for potential customers to explore and purchase. Elevate your e-commerce experience with this concise walkthrough on adding products to WooCommerce.

  • Login to WordPress Dashboard:
    • Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard by adding “/wp-admin” to the end of your website URL (e.g.,
    • Log in with your username and password.
  • Access WooCommerce Products:
    • On the left-hand sidebar, locate and click on “WooCommerce.”
  • Navigate to Products:
    • Once in the WooCommerce section, find and click on “Products.”
  • Add a New Product:
    • In the Products screen, click the “Add New” button at the top.

How Do You Add Product to WooCommerce
  • Enter Title and Description:
    • Provide a title for your product in the designated field.
    • Add a detailed description in the text editor below the title.
How Do You Add Product to WooCommerce
  • Add Main Product Images:
    • Scroll down to the “Product Image” box.
    • Click “Set product image” to upload the primary image representing your product.
How Do You Add Product to WooCommerce
  • Add Multiple Images in Gallery:
    • Still in the product editor, find the “Product Gallery” box.
    • Click on “Add product gallery images” to upload additional images for a gallery.
  • Assign Product Categories:
    • Look for the “Product Categories” box on the right side.
    • Check the relevant categories for your product or create new ones.
  • Set Price and Discount Price:
    • In the “Product Data” section, go to the “General” tab.
    • Enter the regular price in the “Regular Price” field.
    • If applicable, set a discounted price in the “Sale Price” field.
How Do You Add Product to WooCommerce
  • Add Product Short Description (Point by Point):
  • Scroll down to the “Product Short Description” box.
  • Provide a concise, point-by-point summary highlighting key features or selling points.
  1. Publish Your Product:
  • Once you’ve filled in all the necessary information, click the “Publish” button on the right side.
How Do You Add Product to WooCommerce

Congratulations! You’ve successfully added a product to WooCommerce. Visitors can now view and purchase your product on your online store.

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